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Midwest ChapterNorth Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, MichiganThe River Management Society (RMS) is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to support professionals who study, protect, and manage North America's rivers. RMS’ membership includes federal, state, and other agency employees, educators, and technical experts from non-profit and private organizations who understand the critical role rivers play in the lives of our neighbors and our nation. RMS provides members a unique forum for sharing information about the appropriate use and management of river resources between organizational ‘silos.’ RMS-Midwest is one of seven regional chapters in the United States. The Midwest Chapter meets on or near rivers and at events such as the recent Minnesota Water Trails Tourism Summit to discuss regional river management issues.These meetings often result in the development of lasting partnerships. Join RMS today to help the Midwest Chapter advance best practices in river protection and recreation development. Upcoming Chapter EventsMarch 13-16, 2025 Join Southeast and Midwest Chapter Trip on the Buffalo RiverJoin River Management Society's Southeast and Midwest chapters this spring for a gathering and multi-day float trip on the Buffalo National River in Arkansas. We'll be partnering with the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, University of Arkansas, Northeastern State University, and National Park Service to paddle and camp along a beautiful section of river and learn about its management. Keep an eye out for more details and a sign-up page later this year, and reach out to James Vonesh (voneshjr(at)gmail.com) and Jack Henderson (hendersonjc3(at)gmail.com) with questions. Learn moreJune 14-15, 2025 Eleven Point River Chapter TripThe River Management Society, Midwest Chapter, invites RMS members to paddle the Eleven Point River on June 14-15, 2025. Join us in Southern Missouri for two days of river trips on one of the first designated Wild and Scenic Rivers. Camping is available at multiple Forest Service campgrounds and there are numerous outfitters in the area that can supply boats and shuttle services. Information about the Eleven Point River can be found online at https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/mtnf/recarea/?recid=21676. Interested individuals can email Ed Sherman at phishin514(at)gmail.com to receive more information.
Midwest Chapter OfficersChapter Officers are volunteers from the Midwestern States who organize activities, represent the nation's midsection in national discussions and support an active chapter membership. They have been elected to serve (or appointed to fill vacancies) for terms noted. Learn about chapter governance by reviewing the RMS Midwest Chapter Bylaws. Any professional RMS member is eligible to run for office. Candidates should be willing to take an active role and be knowledgeable of the Chapter Officer Roles. Contact any Midwest Chapter officer to become involved in local or national RMS activities. The Midwest Chapter also has chapter officer positions open. Information about chapter officer roles can be found at https://www.river-management.org/chapters. We would love to hear from you about your interest in any of the chapter officer roles. Please visit the RMS Contact form or the member directory to get in touch with your chapter officers.President – Ed FiteI served as the Administrator for the Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission (OSRC) from September 1983 to June 30, 2016, when the Oklahoma State Legislature consolidated the OSRC into the Grand River Dam Authority. I continue to pursue my passion for rivers and water as GRDA’s Water Quality Manager beyond the Illinois River, Barren Fork Creek, and Flint Creek (along with monitoring the Big Lee Creek, Little Lee Creek, and the Upper Mountain Fork River) to include the Neosho, Spring and Elk Rivers, with their tributaries, along with Grand Lake O’ the Cherokees and Markham Ferry Reservoir. I partner regularly with federal/state/tribal/local agencies, communities, businesses, and individuals to educate, promote the enjoyment of, and mitigate impacts on these rivers and reservoirs. I’m proud to have been a key participant in the successful defense of water quality and scenic rivers in the 1992 U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Oklahoma vs. Arkansas/USEPA case, which effectively affirmed that downstream states’ water quality standards must be maintained and protected by upstream states. I am a certified swift water rescue technician instructor and federally-accredited floodplain manager, and known for advocating to those who will lend an ear, “Please take pause daily to pick up two pieces of trash and properly dispose or recycle the materials… the synergy of our efforts will help preserve and protect our state’s aquatic and terrestrial environments.”
![]() Vice President – Ed ShermanI have held a deep appreciation of rivers and lakes since learning to paddle as a boy on the lakes of Northern Wisconsin. Serenity and solace that can only be offered by being on a lake or river have remained a constant fixture in my life as I have traveled and lived across the country. I have found incredible peace by spending time on the water and a break from everyday life that can only be offered by a river's sights and sounds. After earning my bachelor’s degree in Recreation from the University of Southern Illinois, Carbondale, I have taken numerous positions with the Forest Service which most recently led me to Southeast Missouri where I serve as the Zone Recreation Manager of Mark Twain National Forest. The Current, Eleven Point, Jacks Fork, and Black Rivers are all within an hour’s drive of my home and feel fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful recreational opportunities. I have learned and expanded my knowledge of river management because of the River Management Society and would like to give back by serving on the Midwest Chapter’s board. I offer my passion and willingness to engage the public in this role and hope to spread my passion for rivers to others.
Secretary – Bobbie Jo RoshoneI grew up on the Eleven Point, Current, and Jacks Fork Rivers in southern Missouri. A lifetime river lover led to my first post-high school summer job working for Ozark National Scenic Riverways (NPS) as a park guide. After seven summers and a degree in history, I decided to branch out to other rivers in the National Park Service. In 2014, Niobrara National Scenic River in Valentine, Nebraska offered me a position as seasonal Park Ranger (I). After a winter internship with the Fish and Wildlife Service in Kentucky, I found myself back in Valentine, and in 2016 was offered the permanent Park Ranger (I) position at Niobrara. I met my husband in Valentine and we now have a 17 month-old toddler that likes to play in the river with Mom. RMS Journals with a Midwest FocusThe Summer 2021 edition of the RMS Journal was focused on the Midwest. Learn more about the journal and read the most recent issue here. To read all of our back issues online, become a member of RMS! All editions of the newsletter are archived and are available along with other Society publications on the members-only side of our website. Midwest Chapter Resources
An Economic Argument for Water Trails Reconnecting Rivers: Natural Channel Design in Dam Removals and Fish Passage Restore Your Shore: Protect Water Quality and Habitat Stormwater and Shoreline Best Management Practices for Public Water Accesses Chainsaw Use on Water (contact Erik Wrede at [email protected] or 651-259-5624 for the manual)
Past Chapter Trips2017 Midwest Chapter Trip - August 25-27
Join the Midwest Chapter on the Lower Wisconsin River Friday, August 25 through Sunday, August 27 from Mazomanie to Spring Green, a ten mile float. The Wisconsin is a slow, meandering river with plenty of sandy beaches and sandbars. It is perfect for beginners or families with children that want a relaxing ride without having prior canoe knowledge or skill. The river is about 4-5 feet deep on average; however, there are spots that are much deeper and also some spots that are much shallower. Because Federal law requires a minimum amount of water for ecosystem health, the river will always be runnable. Boats - Bring your own canoe or kayak! Boats will be available at Blackwater Canoe Rental for those who would like to rent, as well. The modest fee will support RMS Midwest Chapter activities. Contact Katie Kassender or Molly MacGregor for additional information. 2016 Chapter Trip - Lower St. Louis RiverLaunched from Perch Lake Access to launch at 8, paddled around the estuary and view wild rice restoration; enjoyed lunch at the access point. This trip was organized by St. Louis River Alliance. 2014 Midwest HighlightsThe Minnesota State Water Trails Tourism Summit, a two day event in St. Cloud, Minnesota, brought together over 140 community representatives and paddling enthusiasts from across the country. At the summit, 75 attendees paddled the Beaver Islands area of the Mississippi River, a state designated Wild and Scenic stretch of the river south of the dam in St. Cloud. Other attendees visited St. Cloud State University's Outdoor Endeavors program and Clear Waters Outfitting Company to learn more about the economic impacts of paddle sports. The summit was the first of its kind in the nation, bringing together tourism and outdoor recreation interests to build communities’ capacity to promote paddle sports. 2013 Midwest HighlightsIn May, 2013 RMS visited the Midwest Chapter to attend events related to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Minnesota's Water Trails program and a trip through Class II+ rapids on the Minnesota River, newly rediscovered in the wake of removing a hydropower dam on the Minnesota River in Granite Falls. The June, 2013 Granite Falls Chamber of Commerce Newsletter showcases some of the weekend's activities. Thanks go to RMS' host Erik Wrede and member John Helland for connecting us to many individuals who are seeking new ways towns and cities can turn to their rivers as the lever and stage upon which to build strong futures. |