
RMS Awards

 2024 RMS Award Winners

RMS seeks to develop and promote professional river management and encourage professional development among its members and their colleagues. One of the most exciting and fun ways to achieve this is to recognize those who have made significant contributions to the art and science of river management, and those who best exemplify the spirit and purpose of the organization. Since 1998 we have given annual RMS awards to deserving individuals. In 2000, the Frank Church Wild and Scenic Rivers Award was added by RMS Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council partners. The RMS Board of Directors and Awards Committee recognize outstanding individuals and achievements in four categories.

RMS Awards Categories and Criteria

We invite you to thank, honor and shine a light on colleagues who deserve to be recognized for their work and contributions to managing our rivers and developing our organization! Each award and the criteria by which nominations are evaluated are described below. Note that some minor changes to these criteria were approved by the board of directors October 2017.

The deadline to submit a nomination for 2025 awards is December 31, 2024

Submit a nomination for 2025 RMS Awards!

The RMS Board of Directors and Awards Committee recognize outstanding individuals and achievements in four categories:

  1. River Manager of the Year (RMS Members only)
  2. Outstanding Contribution to River Management (open to all)
  3. Outstanding Contribution to the River Management Society Award (RMS Members only)
  4. Frank Church Wild and Scenic Rivers Award (open to all)

Outstanding Contribution to River Management Award (open to all)

This award recognizes a longer history of contributions to the greater field of river management (as opposed to more recent or project/location-specific accomplishments). Please consider longer-term and broader impacts in areas such as those listed below; nominees are expected to contribute in at least two of these areas.

  • Advanced the field of river management through contributions in areas such as science, education, interpretation, research, and/or law enforcement;
  • Developed innovative (or creatively adapted) river management techniques;
  • Organized conferences/meetings that advanced river management as a science and as a profession;
  • Developed or implemented new communication techniques to coordinate and connect managers;
  • Provided opportunities for increased awareness by citizens and river visitors regarding their role in caring for rivers and watersheds; and/or
  • Was an outstanding advocate for professional river management.
Past Recipients
2024 - Linda Richmond, Bureau of Land Management
2023 - David Greenwood, Bureau of Land Management
2022 - Steve TBerry Young, National Park Service
2021 - George Lindemann
2020 - Angie Tornes
2019 - Susan Rosebrough, National Park Service

2018 - Herm Hoops, One Way Boatworks
2017 - Ken Kimball, Appalachian Mountain Club
2016 - Ed Fite, Oklahoma Scenic River Administrator
2015 - Dave Koehler, San Joaquin River Parkway Conservation Trust
2014 - Bob Martini, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (retired)
2013 - Roy Smith, Bureau of Land Management
2012 - Paul Nordell, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
2011 - Mark Singleton, American Whitewater

2010 - Gary G. Marsh, Bureau of Land Management
2009 - Bo Shelby, Oregon State University

2008 - Drew Parkin, Consultant
2007 - Charlie Sperry, Montana Fish, Widlife & Parks
2006 - W. Don Nelson, State Director, U.S. Senator Ben Nelson
2005 - Karen Rice, Bureau of Land Management
2004 - Jack Hannon, American Rivers
2003 - Dr. Joseph Kutkuhn, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (retired), Upper Manistee River Restoration Committee 
2002 - Jack Mosby, National Park Service (retired)
2001 - Jim MacCartney, Trout Unlimited / National Park Service
2000 - Leave No Trace, Inc.
1999 - Denny Huffman, National Park Service (retired)
1998 - Jackie Diedrich, USDA Forest Service

Frank Church Wild and Scenic Rivers Award (open to all)

This award recognizes contributions focused on the management, enhancement, or protection of designated Wild and Scenic Rivers. As with the Outstanding Contribution to River Management, this award recognizes a history of contributions with a broad geographic scope (as opposed to more recent or project/location-specific accomplishments). Please consider longer-term and broader impacts in areas such as those listed below; nominees are expected to contribute in at least two of these areas.

  • Advanced awareness of WSRs through contributions in areas such as education, research, technology, training, public contact, interpretation, law enforcement;
  • Worked effectively and cooperatively to build partnerships with other agencies, scientists, user groups, private landowners, and/or general public to promote, protect, enhance, or manage WSRs;
  • Demonstrated, developed, or creatively adapted innovative WSR management techniques;
  • Organized conferences, training, etc., which involved and advanced WSRs;
  • Exhibited leadership in promoting and protecting WSRs within the context of the established corridors and beyond designated lines on a map; and/or
  • Worked to improve managing agency process, budget, and/or support for wild and scenic river programs.
Past Recipients
2024 - Ron Stork, Friends of the River
2023 - Denielle Perry, Northern Arizona University
2022 - Bob Ratcliffe, National Park Service
2021 - Jennifer Reed, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2020 - Tim Palmer
2019 - Tom O'Keefe - American Whitewater

2018 - Jim Eicher, Bureau of Land Managment, retired
2017 - Joan Harn, National Park Service
2016 - Doug Whittaker, Confluence Consulting
2015 - John Little, Mississquoi River Basin Association
2014 - Nancy Schweiger, USDA Forest Service
2013 - Evan Worthington, Bureau of Land Management

2010 - Maret Pajutee, USDA Forest Service
2009 - Chris Brown, USDA Forest Service

2008 - Jamie Fosburgh, National Park Service
2007 - Sue Jennings, National Park Service
2006 - Daryl Mullinix, USDA Forest Service
2005 - Richard Roberts, Florida Park Service (retired)
2004 - Jackie Diedrich, USDA Forest Service
2003 - Lon Kelly, Bureau of Land Management
2002 - Cassie Thomas, National Park Service
2001 - Cindy Lane, USDA Forest Service
2000 - John Haubert, National Park Service

River Manager of the Year Award (RMS Members)

This award recognizes contributions that are field-oriented and location-specific, with a focus on recent accomplishments. If a nomination is submitted for someone with a longer tenure, only more recent accomplishments will be considered (up to past 3 years). An individual with a longer history or broader scope of accomplishments might be more appropriate for the Contribution to River Management Award. The committee will consider contributions “on the river” (field-oriented, technician level) and at the managerial or supervisory level (involving policy, planning, and program development). Please consider contributions in areas such as those listed below; nominees are expected to contribute in at least two of these areas.

  • Provided leadership in promoting and protecting natural, cultural, or recreational resources;
  • Worked effectively and cooperatively with other agencies, user groups, private landowners, and/or general public;
  • Established or re-established key partnerships to protect and manage the river corridor;
  • Created an effective, professional, and enjoyable working environment; 
  • Worked to protect one or more rivers within the context of their watershed and beyond designated lines on a map;
  • Created and established new and innovative approaches to river management, advancing the field and creating new enthusiasm; and/or
  • Shows strong dedication and commitment towards advancing and improving river management into the future.
Past Recipients
2024- Travis Connot, National Park Service
2023 - Steve Chesterton, USDA Forest Service
2022 - Joe O'Neill, Bureau of Land Management
2021 - Colter Pence, USDA Forest Service
2020 - Bob Stanley, USDA Forest Service
2019 - Noah Triplett, Bureau of Land Management

2018 - Corita Waters, National Park Service
2017 - Monica Zimmerman, Bureau of Land Management
2016 - Stew Pappenfort, Arkansas Headwaters Rec. Area
2015 - Desolation Canyon Rangers (Matt Blocker, Katie Byrd, Ryan Hygon, Mick Krussow, Jim Wright)
2014 - Mary Crockett, Congaree Land Trust
2013 - Greg Trainor, City of Grand Junction, Colorado
2012 - Jennifer Jones, Bureau of Land Management

2011 - Heidi Mottl, Bureau of Land Management
2010 - Dave Cernicek, USDA Forest Service2009 - Troy Schnurr, Bureau of Land Management

2008 - Colin Maas - Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
2007 - Greta Movassaghi, USDA Forest Service
2006 - John Morand, Ganaraska River Conservation Authority
2005 - Thomas Mottl, Bureau of Land Management
2004 - Sheri Hughes, USDA Forest Service
2003 - Dennis Willis, Bureau of Land Management
2002 - Steve Johnson, Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources
2001 - Jim Eicher, Bureau of Land Management
2000 - Jon Collins, Bureau of Land Management
1999 - Bob Ratcliffe, Bureau of Land Management
1998 - Woody Baxter, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Outstanding Contribution to the River Management Society Award (RMS Members)

This award recognizes contributions to the success of the River Management Society itself. This award recognizes contributions at the national or regional level that result in greater organizational effectiveness, efficiency, growth, positive change, or enthusiasm. The award focuses on impact on the organization as a whole, rather than a particular length of service. Please consider contributions in areas such as those listed below; nominees are expected to contribute in at least two of these areas.

  • Exceptional contribution to national policy, planning, and program development that brings recognition to RMS as a leader among river and / or professional organizations;
  • Demonstrated leadership within RMS that has created sustainable positive change;
  • Donated considerable time, money, or effort that has resulted in advancement of RMS as a unique and robust institution;
  • Brought new and positive private and public awareness of the RMS;
  • Increased membership substantially;
  • Provided exemplary service to the RMS through an elected office.
Past Recipients
2023 - Kristina Rylands, Upper Merced River Watershed Council
2021 - Rod Bonacker and Mollie Chaudet
2020 - James Vonesh, Virginia Commonwealth University
2019 - Judy Culver, Bureau of Land Management

2018 - Ryan Turner, Bureau of Land Management
2017 - Jena Barringer, Bureau of Land Management
2016 - Caroline Kurz, RMS
2015 - Michael Greco, Canadian Chapter, CRMS
2014 - Risa Shimoda, RMS
2013 - Lynette Ripley, Bureau of Reclamation
2012 - Lee Larson, Bureau of Land Management (retired), Ken Ransford, Esq.
2011 - Kristina Rylands, Upper Merced Watershed Council
2010 - Doug Whittaker, Consultant

2009 - Chet Crowser, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
2008 - Steve Johnson, National Park Service

2007 - Bunny Sterin, Bureau of Land Management
2006 - Linda Jalbert, National Park Service
2005 - Ken Vines, USDA Forest Service
2004 - Jim MacCartney, Trout Unlimited / National Park Service 
2003 - Dan Haas, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 
2002 - LuVerne Grussing, Bureau of Land Management
2001 - Lisa Klinger, USDA Forest Service
2000 - Doug Carter, Consultant
1999 - Stu Lewis, Ohio Department of Natural Resources (retired)
1998 - Gary Marsh, Bureau of Land Management

Past RMS Awards Recipients by year