
Natural, Cultural and Recreational Resources

Rivers and their surrounding landscapes provide a large and diverse array of Natural, Cultural and Recreational Resources. Identifying, respecting, and protecting these resources is an important part of the hydropower licensing process, including quantifying their distinctive/unique aspects and features.

It is helpful to understand who to contact with specific resource expertise and where to go to find out more information on a resource area of interest to your organization. An example is this resource for historic properties management for FERC-licensed facilities.

To be effective in licensing, practitioners will need to understand how to:

  • Identify what is known/unknown about the project/project area, issues, and impacts of the facility and its operation.
  • Apply the criteria and methodology principles to study the gaps in information.
  • Recognize the interconnection of various resources and the potential effects of proposed actions
  • Develop effective protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures utilizing the study results and other known information for one or more resource areas or topics.

Examples of practitioners' priorities or mandated obligations:


Information related to various Natural, Cultural, and Recreational Resources:

Hydropower Licensing 101 Toolkit Home
The Licensing Process Regulations & Regulatory Roles Facility Types - Operations and Economics
Collaboration and Negotiation Natural Cultural and Recreational Resources Environmental Justice and Equity