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Reaching Your Water Trail Audience
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Category: Events

Reaching Your Water Trail Audience

The RMS Water Trails Working Group is back! We have realized that the needs and interests of the community of professionals and volunteers working on water trails is so wide-ranging that addressing them all at once is not practical. After a pause, we will be hosting a few River Management Roundtables that focus on priorities expressed by past participants of water trails-related sessions.

On February 11, we will ask this question: Who's your audience? If one's initial presumption is "the general public," we will suggest one approach to this definition for discussion. If we achieve consensus, we'll ask for input on how you as water trail leads share news, safety warnings, advice and celebratory events to Generation Z, Millennial, Baby Boomers, communities of color and visitors needing accessibility accommodations. We will also share feedback from responses to a short survey provided by registrants. Register for free at the link below to join the discussion!


  • Tali MacArthur, Watershed Outreach Coordinator, Pennsylvania Environmental Council
  • Darrell Bowman, Assistant Chief, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission


On the second Tuesday of the month, the River Management Society hosts River Management Roundtables (facilitated virtual discussions) with professional river, greenway, and water trails leaders, planners, and managers who will benefit from peer-to-peer sharing. Our goal is to facilitate an open forum in which you can ask questions, share solutions and build comradery. There's no fee or membership requirement to attend, but registration is required to help us set expectations and improve our outreach. We will record the discussion and send it out to registrants within the week.
