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Essential Skills and Certifications for River-Related Careers
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 2:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Events

Session Description

Enhance your employability by gaining the right skills and certifications. This session will cover the essential technical and fieldwork skills needed for river-related careers and the certifications that can set you apart from the competition. You'll also learn about training programs and workshops to help you continuously improve and stay competitive.

This session will be recorded and shared with registrants.

 Essential Skills and Certifications for River-related Careers


Learn more about our 2024 River Career Series:

Dive into the dynamic world of river-related careers with our four-part discussion series! Whether you're passionate about conservation, interested in environmental science, or eager to work in recreation, this free series will introduce you to opportunities along our waterways and provide you with tips for success in these fields.

Each session will feature experienced professionals sharing insights into their career paths, challenges, and the rewarding work they do to study, protect and manage rivers. You'll have the chance to ask questions, network, and discover how you can turn your love for rivers into a fulfilling career.

  • Sep. 4: Deciphering Government Lingo and Federal Job Hunting Tips (Register)
  • Sep. 25: River-Related Conferences and Associations for Career Advancement (Register)
  • Oct. 16: Essential Skills and Certifications for River-Related Careers (Register)
  • Nov. 6: Emerging Trends and Future Opportunities (Register)