River Ranger Rendezvous
Monday, August 22, 2022, 8:00 AM to Wednesday, August 24, 2022, 5:00 PM EST
Category: Events
River Ranger Rendezvous
Aug. 22-24, 2022 San Juan River
Craving human connection (despite reclusive tendencies)? Salivating for delicious food (but you’re fine with ramen)? Yearning for comfortable current (even though you’re All About The Gnar)?
Then you should probably join us for three days of canyon camaraderie during the River Management Society’s mostly-annual River Ranger Rendezvous, held this year on southeastern Utah’s mighty San Juan River, August 22-24, 2022.
Likely topics of discussion include wildlife monitoring, public contacts, check-in procedures, tribal relationships, river history, carrying capacity, visitor use surveys, patrol reporting, and archaeological site monitoring. We’d love to hear from you with your topic ideas as well.
We’ll be gathering and camping at Sand Island Campground the evening of August 21, then launching the next day for a two-night float from Sand Island to Mexican Hat. Meals will be provided. If possible, please bring a boat!
The cost of the trip is $90 for RMS members and $110 for non-members. Membership is not required to register, but we highly encourage you to join RMS and stay connected! If you are not a member and do not wish to join, simply click "Next" on the membership page of the registration form.
Learn more on the River Ranger Rendezvous webpage, or reach out to River Training Center Coordinator Angie Fuhrmann at [email protected] with questions.
Contact: [email protected]