
Register now for the April 2021 River Management Symposium

2021 RMS Symposium From Metro Canals to Mountain Creeks

April 12-15, 2021 - Mountain Creeks to Metro Canals

Presented by the River Management Society, in partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Virginia State Scenic Rivers Program.

RMS welcomes you as a river manager, scientist, planner, legal expert, student, professor or river conservation and recreation advocate to brush up your skills as you grow your network! Richmond, Virginia (RVA) is our host city, blossoming amidst the excitement of a resurgent James River. Having suffered decades of untold levels of misuse, the James is redefining the City as its environmental, economic and cultural centerpiece. You will delight in the virtual discovery of RVA's vibrant businesses, innovative programs and exciting events held against a backdrop of our nation's founding history and the majestic James.

This virtual event will take place April 12 - 15, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET. Pre-symposium workshops will be held April 12. 

Our presentations each address one of the following themes: Visual Resource Management, Partnership & Community, Technical Tools, Urban Rivers, Rural Rivers, Water Trails, Policy & Practice. We have incredible plenary speakers, more than 60 presenters, virtual field trips, and a silent auction for you to look forward to!
In addition to registering to attend, we hope you will consider supporting the event and the training and resources that RMS provides year-round to river managers by donating to our Silent Auction or becoming an event sponsor. Please click Learn More below to visit the Symposium web page with our sponsor packet and auction donor form. We appreciate your support!
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