Core Competencies for River Managers
Whether 10 percent or 100 percent of an employee’s time is dedicated to river management, the complexity of the job remains the same and requires expertise across a number of disciplines. To help river management specialists and non-specialists better understand and acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to implement river management stewardship law, regulation, and policy, the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council developed a set of core competencies. The council also created a self assessment tool and identified available and needed training and resources to support river management professionals in each area. Learn more about and access these resources below.
Technical Core Competencies for River Management Specialists and Non-specialists
This document, developed by the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council (IWSRCC) in 2018, identifies interagency River Management Technical Core Competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities) needed to implement river management stewardship law, regulation, and policy at three different levels of expertise for two different groups of employees: river management specialists and river management non-specialists. These competencies are intended to be applied to federally designated Wild and Scenic Rivers, non-designated rivers managed by federal agencies, and rivers managed through partnership with federal agencies and state, local and non-governmental organizations.
Summary of Interagency River Management Training Needs and Available Resources
This information compliments the IWSRCC's publication entitled "Technical Core Competencies for River Management Specialists and Non-specialists," available online. Consistent with the Core Competencies publication, the table in this document crosswalks the eight Competency Areas described in the publication and identifies:
- the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) participants will gain/must know to implement river management stewardship law, regulation, and policy that is applicable across agencies; and
- the corresponding training source for obtaining those KSAs.
River Ranger Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Self-Assessment
River rangers, use this self-assessment spreadsheet to gauge your knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) in the following areas:
- Wild and Scenic Rivers Act History, Law, Regulation, and Policy
- Other Relevant Laws, Policies and Tools for River Management
- River Management Planning
- River Management Field Skills
- Visitor Use Management and Monitoring
- Natural, Cultural and Recreational Resources Management and Monitoring
- River Management Information Skills
- Collaboration and Engagement Techniques
Recorded webinar: Assessing and Developing Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for River Rangers
In this 2021 National Wilderness Skills Institute webinar, you'll learn about core competencies, knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed for entry level river ranger work, in order to develop a personal development and training plan, and then identify resources to develop those KSAs. This session is shared in three modules:
- Review the Interagency Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinating Council Technical Core Competencies for River Management Specialists and Non-Specialists paper,
- Assess your own river KSAs,
- Learn about resources to further develop your KSAs.