

The River Management Society has four paid staff members plus a volunteer Board of Directors who rely on the work of committees to carry out the goals of the Society. RMS members who volunteer to serve as committee members make lasting and invaluable contributions to RMS. If you are interested in becoming more involved with RMS, please contact us today! Standing committees are led by Board members but welcome participation by member volunteers. 

Awards Committee

Learn more about the goals of this committee and the responsibilities of committee members in the RMS Master Business Document, which includes committee charters.

Approved April 5, 2012

Invitation to join the Awards Committee
Would you like to support RMS doing perhaps the most fun volunteer work we have? Please consider joining the Awards Committee. Each year we recognize some of our amazing colleagues with 4 awards (River Manager of the Year, Outstanding Contribution to River Management, Outstanding Contribution to the River Management Society Award, and Frank Church Wild and Scenic Rivers awards).
Selecting who receives these awards is the task of the committee. Nominations are due March 30 so some time in April, committee members will receive a packet of nominations, review each against the criteria for the awards and make initial individual recommendations for each award. Then the committee will have a video/conference call to discuss their recommendations and make the final selections. 
Total time involved is probably about 5 hours – it really depends on how many nominations are received. 
Standing members include the secretary (committee chair), executive director and a representative from the Interagency Wild and Scenic River Coordinating Council. An additional 3 to 4 people ideally representing different chapters and not all from one sector of the river management world comprise the rest of the committee.
If you are interested, please contact Helen Clough, RMS Secretary at hcloughak(at)gmail.com for more information. 


The purpose of this committee is to promote awareness of the RMS Awards, provide awards and recognition to individuals who have made outstanding contributions is some aspect of river management.


This Committee shall be chaired by the National Secretary and include the Executive Director.  The committee must have a minimum of five members in addition to the chair and Executive Director.   Ideally there will be one member from each RMS chapter, provided no chapter may provide more than one member to this committee.


  • The call for nominations will be announced in the December issue of the River Management Journal and will also be sent (electronically or by US Mail) to the current Society membership in January.
  •  Award selection will be made in March.
  • If an Awards and Elections Committee member is nominated for an award, he/she will recuse themselves from the committee, but he/she may receive the award.
  • The identities of award recipients will be kept confidential until the determined date and location where the awards will be officially announced.
  •  If the Awards Committee feels that there are no qualified nominees for an award, the award may not be given.
  • The Awards Committee may nominate individuals for awards.
  •  Committee will used the criteria established for each award.  

Succession Committee



The purpose of the succession committee is to identify, recruit and develop the future leadership of the RMS.   The scope of the committee’s work is expansive in nature; entailing looking both within and outside the organization for individuals able to lead or advise RMS.  Development of future leaders and advisors may include mentoring and other assistance at professional development.  Scope of work includes, but is not limited to, identifying candidates for National election.


The committee shall be chaired by the National Vice President.  Membership shall be all the chapter vice presidents.  The committee shall meet by phone or other electronic means no less than six times per year.


  • National elections are held on a three year cycle (2011, 2013, 2016…..)
  • Calls for nominations and officer position descriptions will be published in the June issue of the River Management Journal as well as be mailed to the current membership.
  • Nominations will be due to the Society’s business office no later than July 30 of the election year.
  • Ballots, including biographies, will be mailed to the current voting membership (Professional and Lifetime Members) no later than August 31. If timely, biographies will also appear in the River Management Journal
  • If no person has been nominated for an office, the Succession Committee will be responsible for nominating at least one person to run for the office.
  • Ballots will be due back to the Society’s business office no later than September 30.
  • Counting will be done by the Program Director and validated by a Succession Committee Member not running for a national office.
  • Officers will be announced in the December issue of the River Management Journal and assume the roles and duties of office on January 1.
  • Incoming and outgoing officers will be invited to attend any intervening Board meetings.
  • If a Succession Committee member is running for office, he/she will recuse themselves from the committee.
  • In the event of a tie, there will be a run-off election by the end of November



Learn more about the goals of this committee and the responsibilities of committee members in the RMS Master Business Document, which includes committee charters.


RMS is a membership organization. It exists for the benefit of its members and all governance comes from the membership. RMS’ health, strength and vibrancy is dependent on an active membership that is diverse both demographically and professionally.


The Committee will ensure the Society is meeting the needs of its members. The Committee will advise the Board on membership issues. A priority is the recruitment of new members and retention of existing membership. All committee work will be consistent with the direction of the Society’s Strategic Plan, Annual Operating Work Plan, Bylaws, Charters and Policies. 


The Committee will headed by the RMS President or the President’s appointed designee. Membership shall consist of each Chapter Secretary or a designated member from each chapter.


The Committee will meet at least quarterly, either in person or through electronic communication.