
Alaska Chapter

Alaska Chapter Trip 2017

Our goal is to further the RMS mission by providing a network for members to expand their knowledge of river management through participation and involvement in RMS Alaska Chapter activities across Alaska! We represent a variety of professionals in the private and public sectors, from federal, state and local agencies to educational non-profits and consultants.

The most recent RMS Journal with an Alaska focus is Spring 2019. To read all of our back issues online, All RMS Journals are archived and are available along with other Society publications on the members-only side of the website. Check out our Alaska Chapter Bylaws for more information about our chapter, or reach out directly to your officers!

Call for Officer Nominations for 2024-2027 Term

Thank you for taking the time to nominate officers for your chapter. Officers serve a three year term in one of three positions in the Alaska Chapter: President, Vice President, Secretary. They play a critical role in connecting regional members and driving our mission to support professionals who study, protect and manage North America's rivers.

We invite you to nominate yourself or a colleague. Once the nomination period for a chapter closes, we'll hold an election. Voting and holding office is restricted to Lifetime, Individual, and Student members, as well as the key contacts for Organizational memberships.

At RMS, we value diverse perspectives, backgrounds, orientations, abilities, and experience levels. These are essential for strong partnerships and bold thought in an era of a generational shift, institutional challenges and the demand to mitigate the effects of climate change.

With questions about the joys, challenges, and responsibilities of serving as a chapter officer, we encourage you to reach out to your current chapter officers, members of the national board, or our Executive Director at [email protected].

Submit a nomination

Alaska Chapter Officers

Please visit the RMS Contact form or the member directory to get in touch with your chapter officers.

President - Vacant 

Vice President - Vacant

Secretary - Vacant

Chapter Reports